Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Piano Move

What was that? I asked my brother-in-law, as we heard a thump from behind the truck cab. With others to help, we'd just pushed four heavy pianos up a ramp and inside a 16 ft. rental truck, tied them down, and set out to deliver them. The pianos were salvaged from a fire that destroyed the sanctuary of First Baptist in Temple over a year ago, given to four fortunate families who'd arranged to pick them up.

We discovered that indeed one of the straps securing our cargo had loosened, but so far, no damage. But then, coming away from the first delivery some ten miles away, I had to brake suddenly to avoid a collision. That's when we felt a second, heavier thump! But we continued driving along to keep up with the fellow who was leading us to the second piano delivery. Sure enough, the three remaining pianos had loosened again. Fortunately, the only damage back there was a broken piano bench! Soon the third piano, a nice Baldwin, was sitting in our living room, and the following day, the fourth and last piano, was rolled into our oldest son's living room down in Austin!

Next time you come by to visit, my good wife could play some hymns on our new piano, and you could join me in singing the songs of Zion!

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