Sunday, July 23, 2006

Some photos of baby

Just over three weeks ago we said goodbye to our family and returned to Brazil. Our granddaughter continues to grow and bring much joy to her family. Will be hard not to see her for some months but if all goes well she and her parents will visit us over Christmas so we really look forward to that!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Driving Again...for a Price

Good to be driving again. My drivers license was ready last Wednesday and now we can get around town much easier but much more expensively. (Filled the Corsa with gas on Sunday and it cost us US$4.75 a gallon!) My better half is still working on her license renewal and hopes to have it within a week. Class preparation is slow but steady. I'm teaching 4 subjects starting first week of August: Bible Study Methods, Doctrine of Christ, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit and Doctrine of Man, all but one subject repeated in the evening session. Have taught all these before but each new group of students provides new challenges. Will have 30 or more students for one subject and smaller classes for each of the other sections. Can't believe how much good study material my predecessor left on a CD! Now I must decide what to include & exclude and get my lesson plans going. Anyway, the more time I spend working on course stuff, the less $ we spend on costly trips in the car!

Friday, July 07, 2006

DL? Not yet!

My approved medical test had not been run through the system till today, Friday. This means my new Brazilian license will be ready only Monday afternoon or Tues. AM! Not to worry, I am learning which are the best buses to catch back and forth from DETRAN. Good for one's sanctification, namely a good lesson in patience!

Drivers License Saga

Our Brazilian drivers licenses expired while we were in the U. S. So, off by taxi and bus I went on Monday to DETRAN, the traffic bureau, to renew only to find the computer system down for the day. Back on Tues. afternoon. The nice attendant carefully asked me if perchance I was 60 or older? Now that you asked, "Yes!" And then things began to happen rapidly as I went ahead of a very long line. Erika, a believer, found my info from the next state on her computer where my last license was issued. Printed out the forms and sent me for a photo and prints. From there I got No. 426 in the line at the bank to pay but only No. 350 or so was being helped at the moment. Not to worry, off to the medical test down the street. A girl wrote up my request and led me to a small clinic where the doctor tested & approved my grip, hearing and eyes. Back to the girl for my receipt. Then back to the bank in DETRAN to pay the other fees. The tellers were helping No. 376 or so by then so I found a chair and read PERELANDRA for an hour. Forgot that my age could have put me to the front of the line again. Finally paid the 3 fees and went back to Erika to schedule my written test for Thurs. It was past closing time but I found her. Got the wrong bus home but that was OK because I passed a driving school and bought a drivers manual. Studied most of that & did four simulated tests online for practice. Thurs. back at DETRAN I passed, answering 26 of the 30 questions on the test. This afternoon (Friday) I can pick up my new license at DETRAN and join the other brave drivers of São Luis once again. Vivian went with me yesterday to begin the same process for herself. Is good we don't have to wait in line much anymore, don't you think??