Friday, August 25, 2006

What a Ministry!

“As you look back, what comes to mind as the most satisfying part of your ministry?” I asked Dorie this question today at our farewell dinner for her out by the beach. She is leaving in just ten days for retirement in the U. S. after nearly 40 years of ministry in Brazil. Dorie didn’t hesitate. What gives her great satisfaction was what she noticed in a sizeable meeting of pastors recently. “As I looked around the room,” Dorie said, “I realized that through the years 90% of those present had been my students at the seminary!” What a ministry legacy! Dorie was obedient to God’s leading to a teaching ministry here in northern Brazil in the area of Bible and missions. We her colleagues will certainly miss her. And so will her students, not just for her clear teaching impact but for opening her apartment for them to watch videos Friday evenings. And for creating the first computer lab on campus. And for loving and respecting them and insisting that they indeed could learn from her and become better equipped servants of the Lord. Dorie’s ministry reminds me a phrase I heard many years ago, “Only one life, t’will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wow! What a Week!

Opening of SCEN classes was postponed for a week but things finally got under way. Now it’s Friday and I can say I finally met 32 first year students, worked on learning their names and generally kept my wits about me in following a checkered morning and evening class schedule. What really helped in all this was prayer. Also, reasonably good planning and a homemade cappuccino mixture that I carried along to class.

The subjects I am teaching? One is the Doctrine of Man. Once we get man created he doesn’t do well and ends up fallen and dead. Then God’s great plan kicks in to restore men to spiritual life through an incarnate Christ, great news for all who accept Christ’s salvation (Doctrine of Christ). However, at this point Christ leaves earth temporarily. What now? Not to worry, Christ sent another Counselor (Doctrine of the Holy Spirit) so redeemed men can make steady progress living & witnessing by His power while awaiting Christ’s return. Another great resource in this mix: God’s Word, the Bible. That’s where Bible Study Methods enters the picture to give first year students the joy of discovery in personal Bible study. This past week served as an introduction in all these subjects. Next week the real work begins!