Saturday, May 10, 2008

Something to Get Excited About

My last blog was a bit depressing, I'll admit, but life can be that way sometimes. Since then I prepared and presented a defense of the future resurrection of Christian believers based on I Corinthians 15,mainly for my own encouragement. As a friend commented afterwards, it's very important to reaffirm such basic truth from time to time.

But what I want to talk about today is my Doctrine of Salvation class I teach/lead at the Seminary. This week I was thrilled that several students reported professions of faith in their churches the weekend before. That's encouraging, knowing that God in His mercy and grace continues to save people. And when I reviewed our study-progress of this vast subject with them, I became quite excited: God has chosen us from eternity past. Our election is sure. However we are born as sinners into a sinful world. How can God's eternal purpose for us to know, serve and glorify Him be accomplished? Sin creates an insurmountable barrier between us and a holy, just God. I can't remove sin, not even my own, much less for all humanity. The price of sin is death, eternal separation from God. And God cannot die to pay sin's debt because God is imortal, not subject to death.

Now, if you are a true Christian, you know exactly what happened at this point: God actually became man so that as the God-man He could die and pay our sin-debt. And when Jesus Christ died that day, three things happened: God's justice was propiciated (satisfied), man was reconciled to God, and man's redemption from sin was accomplished. Christ's death is a consummated, finished salvation work, proved by His resurrection from the dead!

What's next? We are now at this point in class, noting various terms that describe the application of this so-great salvation to anyone who expresses saving-faith in Christ. Each believer is called by God, regenerated by the Spirit and united eternally with Christ. Conversion, repentance, faith, justification and adoption are additional aspects involved in this transforming salvation experience, occuring in logical, not chronological order.

Is this heavy theology? Perhaps, but in its essence it's the clearest, most wonderful and important message in the universe, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Something eternal to get excited about!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Charlie and Vivian. This is Claire from Northern Ireland, who was at AVA in 98 -99. I found your blog when I was searching on the internet. It is really nice to find out what you are up to. I have been living in Scotland (Edinburgh), for the last 3 years. I spend a lot of time at Bilston, which is a road protest site. I would love to hear from you. My email address is