Sunday, March 09, 2008

News & Views

Maybe, just maybe, you've wondered why the Stoners haven't blogged lately. There are excuses and there are reasons why things don't get done; I'm not sure which applies here. My illness from last month has pretty well disappeared, our trip to Belem is over, the new SCEN term under way. But not without some problems, one being the collapse of part of the school library ceiling. The replacement project of the whole ceiling is nearly completed, just a coat of paint on the walls and hand cleaning of all the books yet to do.
There are over 20 first year students, more than I expected. Now if we can just get all returning students to resume their course before Mar. 17. Lack of funds is main reason, so if you'd like to help, just pray that they will have the courage and funds to return while there's still time. Could have a total of 90 some students.
Oh yes, our family is growing with the good news of another grandchild on the way. I won't tell you whose just yet. That will make five for us. And, today, the day after International Women's Day, I congratulate all you women out there who read this blog. Without you ladies, we men wouldn't be around. God had an interesting plan, arranging that the first woman be taken from the man. Ever since then, however, it's obvious that man comes from woman! This eternal balance is what Paul reminds us of in I Corinthians 11:12. Any comments? Have a great week!

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