Monday, January 22, 2007

35 Years South of the Equator

Well, not very far south, maybe 4 or 6 degrees? I guess that's why it stays so hot year round on our island. The rains we thought had started didn't really yet, but they will. At least the acerola bush started giving its cherry-like fruit so high in vitamins.

Yes, 35 years yesterday, Jan. 21, that we first arrived in Brazil, stepping off that Boeing 707 in the middle of the night in Belem. Been quite an adventure since then: language school, a year and a half in a town on the Trans Amazon Road, nearly 16 years at the Seminary, return to Belem for 10 years, and soon to complete 6 more years back at the Seminary. All interspersed with leave-times in the States. During the years God gave us three wonderful children. One became a scientist, one a school teacher and the other a web master, all bi-lingual, married and beginning to give us our grandchildren! All living in the U. S. but with 'saudades' of the land of their birth. God bless them!

Should point out that we are citizens of three places: The U. S. by birth, family, mission and church affliation. Permanent residency in Brazil by missionary calling and career. Heaven by God's mercy and grace. The adventure continues!

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