It looked like the top of an old water meter box, left buried in our back yard when the subdivision lots were marked off. One corner visible but low enough not to be struck by the mower blade. Then one day I began to pry at the rocks around the object, only to discover it was definitely not a meter box. Our son from Arkansas came for a visit about that time and did some serious digging. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time during his short visit to unearth the item completely and make a positive identification.
Yesterday the mystery was solved when our three young grandsons came from Austin for a visit. In no time flat, they had shovel and hoe in hand and much determination to assit them in the excavation project. The identity of the object became clearer as each stone was removed and the packed, dry dirt finally gave up its treasurer. Ah! It's an old car or truck door, complete with the winding mechanism for elevating the glass that's no longer there, and some old rubber gaskets. How did the door come to be buried there? No one knows just yet. Neither have we discovered from what model and year vehicle this door came from. Looks like a 50's something model to me. But there is some aluminum around the corroded fixtures, so how long ago was such material used in manufacturing?
So many questions and so few answers, but an interesting excavation project in Grandpa's back yard to fill some hours between cartoons, eating, sleeping and a visit to the indoor pool.