Last year our wedding anniversary celebration was on an island in South America (São Luís). For our 40th last week we enjoyed two days at a bed & breakfast just down the road in Salado, TX, near the historic Stage Coach Inn. Good food, quaint shops, nice picnic by the creek and plentiful chigger bites!
Our second recent celebration was an outdoor baptismal service Sunday afternoon in the Leon River near town. 54 folks from Temple Bible Church and Grace Bible were baptized in just over an hour! So spiritually refreshing to hear a short testimony from each child, youth and adult just before decisively expressing their inward faith in Christ through the rite of believers baptism! Two pastors were joined by several husbands and fathers who baptized the members of their own families. Impressive indeed!
Life certainly has its moments for celebration, whether for 40 years of joyful, marital bliss or sharing a special occasion of spiritual commitment of others in the growing Body of Christ! Next month there should be another celebration, that of moving into our new home/house! Meanwhile, celebrate your special moments and try to list two or three things for which you are especially grateful today!