Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Goodbye

How many cars will go to the cemetery when you are buried?

The longer we live and work here in Brazil, the more deaths occur around us. Twenty days ago we said goodbye to D. Lidia, beloved wife of national church statesman, Pr. Abdoral. She was 87 and in poor health for some time. Her husband and extended family of ten children were saddened but know she is now rejoicing in the Lord's presence. I received around 15 email condolence messages from former missionaries that I passed on to Pr. Abdoral and he was very grateful.

Then today we said goodbye to Washington who died at 43, half the age of D. Lidia, a victim of aggresive cancer. He is survived by his wife Anna and two young children. In recent years he had a good bank job in Fortaleza, about 1,000 miles away. You couldn't have met a finer Christian layman, deacon, leader of youth and oft financial provider for his extended family. Washington was ten when we first arrived in Sao Luis in 1974 so we got to know him quite well in his early years in our church. As his brother said in the service today, God loaned Washington to us all to serve as an outstanding Christian example. He had asked specifically that his viewing and service be held in our seminary auditorium (as was D. Lidia's). From there this afternoon some 45 cars made their way to the neat, modern cemetery outside of town, and with singing and prayers, Washington was laid to rest.

Probably doesn't really matter how many friends attend one's funeral. But it was impressive to observe the collective recognition of a life so well lived. Perhaps you and I should pray that we can so live, like D. Lidia and Washington, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sad...