Friday, January 25, 2008

Best Laid Plans...

My ticket was purchased, the syllabus readied for making student copies, and my suitcase about to be packed. But today I found it necessary to cancel my trip on Sunday to Pará to teach in the basic course all next week.

Motive? A persistent intestinal virus or something akin, producing two doctor visits, another appointment on Monday and lab tests that need follow-up. And so the time passes and energy levels vary. Why, Oh Lord, is this happening to me? Wasn't I going to serve You in this course, helping 79 keen Amazon River area folks learn more about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit? Didn't I have all our email friends praying for me in this teaching opportunity?

So far I don't have an answer to my 'why' question and perhaps never will. I just know there is someone to fill in for me in Abaetetuba (plan B), while back here in São Luis God is telling me to step back and care for my health needs for now. Be still and know that I am God, He said to the Psalmist. That's probably the best plan one could wish for.