Despite the downturn in the economy and major political changes, God is still sovereign and is calling out a people for His name. He's saving, sanctifying and securing enjoy an eternal relationship with them through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Our God is incredible when you stop to think of His eternal purpose being worked out in the universe at this very moment. And the biggest evidence is the birth of the Baby in the manger, an event with world-changing repercussions. So good to be involved, still seeking to know and serve Christ, through leadership training in northern Brazil. Lord willing, we will fly back January 13th. Am including some photos from my trip to Mozambique, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wise Men Still Seek Him
It's that festive, reflective time of year again. So much travel since last Christmas for the Stoners, including our time away from Brazil in the U. S. since July. And more recently my 12-day visit to So.Africa and Mozambique. And within the U. S., several plane trips last summer and thousands of miles driven since, from Florida to Texas; to New England and back again.
Despite the downturn in the economy and major political changes, God is still sovereign and is calling out a people for His name. He's saving, sanctifying and securing enjoy an eternal relationship with them through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Our God is incredible when you stop to think of His eternal purpose being worked out in the universe at this very moment. And the biggest evidence is the birth of the Baby in the manger, an event with world-changing repercussions. So good to be involved, still seeking to know and serve Christ, through leadership training in northern Brazil. Lord willing, we will fly back January 13th. Am including some photos from my trip to Mozambique, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Despite the downturn in the economy and major political changes, God is still sovereign and is calling out a people for His name. He's saving, sanctifying and securing enjoy an eternal relationship with them through His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ. Our God is incredible when you stop to think of His eternal purpose being worked out in the universe at this very moment. And the biggest evidence is the birth of the Baby in the manger, an event with world-changing repercussions. So good to be involved, still seeking to know and serve Christ, through leadership training in northern Brazil. Lord willing, we will fly back January 13th. Am including some photos from my trip to Mozambique, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Travels & Photos
Our travels from Texas are going well and have brought us to Lancaster, PA until Nov. 24th. Actually, we have only about 8 weeks left before returning to Brazil: Next is a ministry report in two ABF's at Calvary Church, Nov. 23rd; then off to Matt and family in Rhode Island for Thanksgiving; my trip to AIM conference in Mozambique Nov. 28-Dec. 10, while Vivian stays in RI; then the long drive back to Texas from RI for Christmas and New Years, followed by the drive to Florida from where we return to Brazil, Jan. 13, D. V.
Now some family photos to enhance your reading/viewing pleasure:

Now some family photos to enhance your reading/viewing pleasure:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thoughts on Voting
Ok,'ve been wondering when I would update this most interesting blog! Don't have a good excuse, just that the amount of my blog 'traffic' is not all that impressive anyway, and I've been spending more time on my Mozambique trip (Nov. 29-Dec. 10) preparations. Baby Amilia, also known as Mia, is doing great and her parents are pleased with her growth and schedule.
We voted 'early' today and one lady entering the voting booth was overheard to ask about the paper ballot: "Do I fill in the oval or leave it blank for my candidate?" Good basic question, don't you think? Were at least 50 ahead of us in line and it took about an hour for us to have our turn. If it's that crowded for early voting, what will it be like on Nov. 4th? I think Brazil has a better system, using small computer machines. And everyone must vote, aged 18 to 60. Those 16 and 17 may too, and those over 60, but they don't have to. And the elections are always on a Sunday, not a Tuesday. There was an election there earlier this month for municipal officials, I think, and our SCEN classrooms undoubtedly served again for several voting precincts.
As for the result of the U. S. presidential election, God is still sovereign and will put the one He wants in the White House, using, in this case, the democratic process. Whoever wins will need more wisdom than he presently has and wonder why he ever wanted such a thankless, impossible job. Perhaps he'll learn to ask God for help as he will certainly need it. So far neither candidate speaks very convincingly of needing to depend on the Almighty. We will be driving east on Nov. 1, one reason for voting early, visiting friends in KY on the 4th. Celebration or disappointment? God bless America!
We voted 'early' today and one lady entering the voting booth was overheard to ask about the paper ballot: "Do I fill in the oval or leave it blank for my candidate?" Good basic question, don't you think? Were at least 50 ahead of us in line and it took about an hour for us to have our turn. If it's that crowded for early voting, what will it be like on Nov. 4th? I think Brazil has a better system, using small computer machines. And everyone must vote, aged 18 to 60. Those 16 and 17 may too, and those over 60, but they don't have to. And the elections are always on a Sunday, not a Tuesday. There was an election there earlier this month for municipal officials, I think, and our SCEN classrooms undoubtedly served again for several voting precincts.
As for the result of the U. S. presidential election, God is still sovereign and will put the one He wants in the White House, using, in this case, the democratic process. Whoever wins will need more wisdom than he presently has and wonder why he ever wanted such a thankless, impossible job. Perhaps he'll learn to ask God for help as he will certainly need it. So far neither candidate speaks very convincingly of needing to depend on the Almighty. We will be driving east on Nov. 1, one reason for voting early, visiting friends in KY on the 4th. Celebration or disappointment? God bless America!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Granddaughter has arrived!
It was so special to be in Arkansas last week for the arrival of Amilia Kate, born Sept. 18! As you can see from the photos, she's a cutie. Joy and Mark are very happy and were well prepared for the event. Grandmother Abbie from Portugal was also present and we all enjoyed those days together. Now we are back in central Texas, enjoying the beginning of fall weather and preparing for our trip east in early November. For more baby photos, please go to
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ike gone, baby to arrive
A friend phoned us from Michigan, asking how we are. Our area of Texas had only a little wind and very little rain from Ike. Family members from Corpus Christi came to spend the weekend after boarding up their windows, just in case, and returned home today, paying more for gas, of course. We are grateful for low number of hurricane deaths reported so far but are saddened by the vast property damage.
As for our next grandchild's arrival, latest word is that it's marked for the 18th in Arkansas. We will be driving up a day early (perhaps before?) and joining Joy's mom from Portugal who is already there for the big event. Mark was born in Brazil, Joy in Portugal and their child will be our first grandchild to be born in Arkansas. Each of our other four grand kids was born in a different state: Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida and Rhode Island. Could this reflect the rootlessness of third culture kids, their parents? By the way, you know you are a missionary if you have a time-zone map next to your phone. Or you have friends from, or in, about 29 different countries. Or you speak with authority on the subject of airline travel.
In closing, on my last blog I offered to send you my story, Bees, Chickens & Church Pews. You didn't request it but so far 56 other happy people did, about 25% on our email address list. Sorry you missed out! On next blog will report on new grandbaby, so be patient!
As for our next grandchild's arrival, latest word is that it's marked for the 18th in Arkansas. We will be driving up a day early (perhaps before?) and joining Joy's mom from Portugal who is already there for the big event. Mark was born in Brazil, Joy in Portugal and their child will be our first grandchild to be born in Arkansas. Each of our other four grand kids was born in a different state: Texas, Pennsylvania, Florida and Rhode Island. Could this reflect the rootlessness of third culture kids, their parents? By the way, you know you are a missionary if you have a time-zone map next to your phone. Or you have friends from, or in, about 29 different countries. Or you speak with authority on the subject of airline travel.
In closing, on my last blog I offered to send you my story, Bees, Chickens & Church Pews. You didn't request it but so far 56 other happy people did, about 25% on our email address list. Sorry you missed out! On next blog will report on new grandbaby, so be patient!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bees, Chickens & Church Pews
Good to be settled for awhile, this time in Central Texas. Was a pleasant continued trip...back to Florida, visits in S. Alabama, seeing our youngest son and wife in Arkansas. My wife pointed out a senior writing contest in the newspaper and I remembered something I could submit, so the above title: Bees, Chickens & Church Pews. Was back in Brazil in Altamira, our year-and-a-half Trans Amazon Road adventures many years ago. The story required some editing but was a good read when I finished, if I must say so myself. Send me your email and I'll pass on the three pages by attachment, free while the supply lasts! The contest lady who received it requested my birth date, probably to confirm that my age qualified me?? No prizes are promised for winners but honorable mention would be just fine.
So, we are moved into a comfortable rental home and other than tomorrow's two day drip to Dallas, should stay put for awhile. The 'stay put' includes dental work with a capital '$' and medical check ups. It also includes our trying once more to fit into a culture not entirely familiar to us anymore but certainly one that offers many comforts, predictability and efficiency that most of the rest of the world only wishes for. Causes me to remember those pioneer days back in Altamira...
So, we are moved into a comfortable rental home and other than tomorrow's two day drip to Dallas, should stay put for awhile. The 'stay put' includes dental work with a capital '$' and medical check ups. It also includes our trying once more to fit into a culture not entirely familiar to us anymore but certainly one that offers many comforts, predictability and efficiency that most of the rest of the world only wishes for. Causes me to remember those pioneer days back in Altamira...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Travel Log
From Brazil to Florida, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island. Is great to visit family and friends again. First in FL with Marcy and family. First photo is of Matt and family on RI coast. Before RI were five days with 14 missionary colleagues from Germany, China, Brazil, PNG, Russia, Haiti and Indonesia at CrossWorld's re-entry program . The quartet sang to the staff and missionaries one morning during re-entry activities. Lots of interesting transitions these days and the adventure will continue till we settle in central Texas in a couple weeks.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Plants, Packing & Presents
We had a senior student from SCEN come this morning to trim our bushes,flowering plants and ivy. Is amazing how these things have grown due to all the rain in recent months. At this time of year when the sun is at its extreme angle to the north, it doesn't make much difference for our climate here near the equator. Southern Brazil, however, is experiencing some freezing temperatures while N. America enjoys summer.
Only 24 days till we begin our six-month stay in the U. S. We're gradually checking things off our 'to do' list such as our last couple of classes, paper grading, car maintenance, sorting, packing and leaving our house in order for the Stensvads who will come to live here again, teach some of our classes and care for the dog.
We received two presents recently. One was a nice arrangement of artificial flowers from a student who admires us. The other was a box of chocolates from the couple who just finished their sixth session of pre-marital counseling with us. The flowers still grace our living room but unfortunately, the candy was gone in less than two days! Wouldn't want the ants to get it, right??
Only 24 days till we begin our six-month stay in the U. S. We're gradually checking things off our 'to do' list such as our last couple of classes, paper grading, car maintenance, sorting, packing and leaving our house in order for the Stensvads who will come to live here again, teach some of our classes and care for the dog.
We received two presents recently. One was a nice arrangement of artificial flowers from a student who admires us. The other was a box of chocolates from the couple who just finished their sixth session of pre-marital counseling with us. The flowers still grace our living room but unfortunately, the candy was gone in less than two days! Wouldn't want the ants to get it, right??
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Visit & Reunion
Fifty years ago our forefathers brought forth in this Amazon River city...a Christian school for children of missionaries. Ourselves and a number of past students and staff are in Belem to celebrate the 50-year occasion. One couple came to visit us first in Sao Luis. A couple of photos of our visit to the beach and old city:
Now a few shots of rainy AVA near Belem and a trip to Mosqueiro. It was many years since some of these folks visited this resort fishing village:
And that's it for today. Our digital camera just broke so it will be some time before we can post more photos. Happy June!
Now a few shots of rainy AVA near Belem and a trip to Mosqueiro. It was many years since some of these folks visited this resort fishing village:
And that's it for today. Our digital camera just broke so it will be some time before we can post more photos. Happy June!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Something to Get Excited About
My last blog was a bit depressing, I'll admit, but life can be that way sometimes. Since then I prepared and presented a defense of the future resurrection of Christian believers based on I Corinthians 15,mainly for my own encouragement. As a friend commented afterwards, it's very important to reaffirm such basic truth from time to time.
But what I want to talk about today is my Doctrine of Salvation class I teach/lead at the Seminary. This week I was thrilled that several students reported professions of faith in their churches the weekend before. That's encouraging, knowing that God in His mercy and grace continues to save people. And when I reviewed our study-progress of this vast subject with them, I became quite excited: God has chosen us from eternity past. Our election is sure. However we are born as sinners into a sinful world. How can God's eternal purpose for us to know, serve and glorify Him be accomplished? Sin creates an insurmountable barrier between us and a holy, just God. I can't remove sin, not even my own, much less for all humanity. The price of sin is death, eternal separation from God. And God cannot die to pay sin's debt because God is imortal, not subject to death.
Now, if you are a true Christian, you know exactly what happened at this point: God actually became man so that as the God-man He could die and pay our sin-debt. And when Jesus Christ died that day, three things happened: God's justice was propiciated (satisfied), man was reconciled to God, and man's redemption from sin was accomplished. Christ's death is a consummated, finished salvation work, proved by His resurrection from the dead!
What's next? We are now at this point in class, noting various terms that describe the application of this so-great salvation to anyone who expresses saving-faith in Christ. Each believer is called by God, regenerated by the Spirit and united eternally with Christ. Conversion, repentance, faith, justification and adoption are additional aspects involved in this transforming salvation experience, occuring in logical, not chronological order.
Is this heavy theology? Perhaps, but in its essence it's the clearest, most wonderful and important message in the universe, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Something eternal to get excited about!
But what I want to talk about today is my Doctrine of Salvation class I teach/lead at the Seminary. This week I was thrilled that several students reported professions of faith in their churches the weekend before. That's encouraging, knowing that God in His mercy and grace continues to save people. And when I reviewed our study-progress of this vast subject with them, I became quite excited: God has chosen us from eternity past. Our election is sure. However we are born as sinners into a sinful world. How can God's eternal purpose for us to know, serve and glorify Him be accomplished? Sin creates an insurmountable barrier between us and a holy, just God. I can't remove sin, not even my own, much less for all humanity. The price of sin is death, eternal separation from God. And God cannot die to pay sin's debt because God is imortal, not subject to death.
Now, if you are a true Christian, you know exactly what happened at this point: God actually became man so that as the God-man He could die and pay our sin-debt. And when Jesus Christ died that day, three things happened: God's justice was propiciated (satisfied), man was reconciled to God, and man's redemption from sin was accomplished. Christ's death is a consummated, finished salvation work, proved by His resurrection from the dead!
What's next? We are now at this point in class, noting various terms that describe the application of this so-great salvation to anyone who expresses saving-faith in Christ. Each believer is called by God, regenerated by the Spirit and united eternally with Christ. Conversion, repentance, faith, justification and adoption are additional aspects involved in this transforming salvation experience, occuring in logical, not chronological order.
Is this heavy theology? Perhaps, but in its essence it's the clearest, most wonderful and important message in the universe, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Something eternal to get excited about!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Another Goodbye
How many cars will go to the cemetery when you are buried?
The longer we live and work here in Brazil, the more deaths occur around us. Twenty days ago we said goodbye to D. Lidia, beloved wife of national church statesman, Pr. Abdoral. She was 87 and in poor health for some time. Her husband and extended family of ten children were saddened but know she is now rejoicing in the Lord's presence. I received around 15 email condolence messages from former missionaries that I passed on to Pr. Abdoral and he was very grateful.
Then today we said goodbye to Washington who died at 43, half the age of D. Lidia, a victim of aggresive cancer. He is survived by his wife Anna and two young children. In recent years he had a good bank job in Fortaleza, about 1,000 miles away. You couldn't have met a finer Christian layman, deacon, leader of youth and oft financial provider for his extended family. Washington was ten when we first arrived in Sao Luis in 1974 so we got to know him quite well in his early years in our church. As his brother said in the service today, God loaned Washington to us all to serve as an outstanding Christian example. He had asked specifically that his viewing and service be held in our seminary auditorium (as was D. Lidia's). From there this afternoon some 45 cars made their way to the neat, modern cemetery outside of town, and with singing and prayers, Washington was laid to rest.
Probably doesn't really matter how many friends attend one's funeral. But it was impressive to observe the collective recognition of a life so well lived. Perhaps you and I should pray that we can so live, like D. Lidia and Washington, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sad...
The longer we live and work here in Brazil, the more deaths occur around us. Twenty days ago we said goodbye to D. Lidia, beloved wife of national church statesman, Pr. Abdoral. She was 87 and in poor health for some time. Her husband and extended family of ten children were saddened but know she is now rejoicing in the Lord's presence. I received around 15 email condolence messages from former missionaries that I passed on to Pr. Abdoral and he was very grateful.
Then today we said goodbye to Washington who died at 43, half the age of D. Lidia, a victim of aggresive cancer. He is survived by his wife Anna and two young children. In recent years he had a good bank job in Fortaleza, about 1,000 miles away. You couldn't have met a finer Christian layman, deacon, leader of youth and oft financial provider for his extended family. Washington was ten when we first arrived in Sao Luis in 1974 so we got to know him quite well in his early years in our church. As his brother said in the service today, God loaned Washington to us all to serve as an outstanding Christian example. He had asked specifically that his viewing and service be held in our seminary auditorium (as was D. Lidia's). From there this afternoon some 45 cars made their way to the neat, modern cemetery outside of town, and with singing and prayers, Washington was laid to rest.
Probably doesn't really matter how many friends attend one's funeral. But it was impressive to observe the collective recognition of a life so well lived. Perhaps you and I should pray that we can so live, like D. Lidia and Washington, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sad...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Delays, Changes & Delights
New beginnings and events are often messy and unpredictable. The SCEN library ceiling took too long to repair and certainly was messy with the painting and dusting. We finally reopened yesterday, much to the teachers and students' delight. But who thought it would take three weeks into the new term?
And a few students are still registering. Yesterday in my Doctrine of Salvation class was a bright new face asking for a syllibus. OK, I guess we should be grateful for every student who shows up, even if he is very late, right? And we are...
Then changes for the SCEN team going with me to the church plant in Sao Mateus, three hours down the road over Easter weekend. Gorete and her son were all lined up to go until the boy got sick. Found another student, Mazzoel, pleased to go instead to help Valter with home visits and children classes over Easter weekend. Valter preached Saturday PM and I gave a Bible lesson to a few youth both Sunday AM and PM in the meeting area in front of the pastor's home.

The pastor's family offered hospitality including hooks to hang our hammocks on and plenty of water in which to take our baths, bucket and dipper style. Our team was delighted that three children made professions of faith! Vivian stayed home for the weekend to work on the library and to teach her S. S. class of nine in our downtown church. Sure was good to see her again at midnight Sunday PM, driving up to our house!
And a few students are still registering. Yesterday in my Doctrine of Salvation class was a bright new face asking for a syllibus. OK, I guess we should be grateful for every student who shows up, even if he is very late, right? And we are...
Then changes for the SCEN team going with me to the church plant in Sao Mateus, three hours down the road over Easter weekend. Gorete and her son were all lined up to go until the boy got sick. Found another student, Mazzoel, pleased to go instead to help Valter with home visits and children classes over Easter weekend. Valter preached Saturday PM and I gave a Bible lesson to a few youth both Sunday AM and PM in the meeting area in front of the pastor's home.
The pastor's family offered hospitality including hooks to hang our hammocks on and plenty of water in which to take our baths, bucket and dipper style. Our team was delighted that three children made professions of faith! Vivian stayed home for the weekend to work on the library and to teach her S. S. class of nine in our downtown church. Sure was good to see her again at midnight Sunday PM, driving up to our house!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
News & Views
Maybe, just maybe, you've wondered why the Stoners haven't blogged lately. There are excuses and there are reasons why things don't get done; I'm not sure which applies here. My illness from last month has pretty well disappeared, our trip to Belem is over, the new SCEN term under way. But not without some problems, one being the collapse of part of the school library ceiling. The replacement project of the whole ceiling is nearly completed, just a coat of paint on the walls and hand cleaning of all the books yet to do.
There are over 20 first year students, more than I expected. Now if we can just get all returning students to resume their course before Mar. 17. Lack of funds is main reason, so if you'd like to help, just pray that they will have the courage and funds to return while there's still time. Could have a total of 90 some students.
Oh yes, our family is growing with the good news of another grandchild on the way. I won't tell you whose just yet. That will make five for us. And, today, the day after International Women's Day, I congratulate all you women out there who read this blog. Without you ladies, we men wouldn't be around. God had an interesting plan, arranging that the first woman be taken from the man. Ever since then, however, it's obvious that man comes from woman! This eternal balance is what Paul reminds us of in I Corinthians 11:12. Any comments? Have a great week!
There are over 20 first year students, more than I expected. Now if we can just get all returning students to resume their course before Mar. 17. Lack of funds is main reason, so if you'd like to help, just pray that they will have the courage and funds to return while there's still time. Could have a total of 90 some students.
Oh yes, our family is growing with the good news of another grandchild on the way. I won't tell you whose just yet. That will make five for us. And, today, the day after International Women's Day, I congratulate all you women out there who read this blog. Without you ladies, we men wouldn't be around. God had an interesting plan, arranging that the first woman be taken from the man. Ever since then, however, it's obvious that man comes from woman! This eternal balance is what Paul reminds us of in I Corinthians 11:12. Any comments? Have a great week!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Church Retreat Musings
This past week we particiapted in a church retreat held over Carnival days here in Brazil. Many evangelical churches offer spiritual retreats for their people, especially for the youth, as a viable alternative to the carnal debauchery that pervaids much of society during Carnival celebrations. I shared two Bible studies at the retreat based on Ephesians 4:17-32, following the theme of living a life that reflects true Christian character, at the request of the pastor pictured here. 

It was good to see the keen interest of the folks in the teaching of the Bible. We pray that our lives and theirs will truly reflect Christlike character, not only in the calm setting of the retreat, but also in life after the retreat. Christ said in the Gospel of John, chapter 17, that believers like you and me are IN the world but not OF the world, and we are being sent TO the world with the liberating message of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
It was good to see the keen interest of the folks in the teaching of the Bible. We pray that our lives and theirs will truly reflect Christlike character, not only in the calm setting of the retreat, but also in life after the retreat. Christ said in the Gospel of John, chapter 17, that believers like you and me are IN the world but not OF the world, and we are being sent TO the world with the liberating message of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Best Laid Plans...
My ticket was purchased, the syllabus readied for making student copies, and my suitcase about to be packed. But today I found it necessary to cancel my trip on Sunday to Pará to teach in the basic course all next week.
Motive? A persistent intestinal virus or something akin, producing two doctor visits, another appointment on Monday and lab tests that need follow-up. And so the time passes and energy levels vary. Why, Oh Lord, is this happening to me? Wasn't I going to serve You in this course, helping 79 keen Amazon River area folks learn more about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit? Didn't I have all our email friends praying for me in this teaching opportunity?
So far I don't have an answer to my 'why' question and perhaps never will. I just know there is someone to fill in for me in Abaetetuba (plan B), while back here in São Luis God is telling me to step back and care for my health needs for now. Be still and know that I am God, He said to the Psalmist. That's probably the best plan one could wish for.
Motive? A persistent intestinal virus or something akin, producing two doctor visits, another appointment on Monday and lab tests that need follow-up. And so the time passes and energy levels vary. Why, Oh Lord, is this happening to me? Wasn't I going to serve You in this course, helping 79 keen Amazon River area folks learn more about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit? Didn't I have all our email friends praying for me in this teaching opportunity?
So far I don't have an answer to my 'why' question and perhaps never will. I just know there is someone to fill in for me in Abaetetuba (plan B), while back here in São Luis God is telling me to step back and care for my health needs for now. Be still and know that I am God, He said to the Psalmist. That's probably the best plan one could wish for.
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