Jonah, our second grandchild, turned three today. He and I have something in common. We both were born in Pennsylvania, but about sixty years apart in time! Jonah's older brother, Luke, was born in Texas and his younger brother, Cody, in Rhode Island. Then there are the parents of these three boys. Their mom was born in Washington State and their dad in Brazil! Anyway, was great to see them all on webcam for a few minutes before bed time. Jonah was thrilled with his 'car-truck' gift for his birthday and smiled nicely when grandma and I sang happy birthday to him. Oh yes, we got to see our nearly 16 month old granddaughter by webcam tonight too, the whole way from Florida! Amazing how technology helps fill in the gaps when families live so far apart.

Two weeks ago we drove 150 miles downstate and got to know some other children. They are part of a church plant carried on by some colleagues who invited us to speak over the weekend. You can see how nice the children look in the photos we are attaching.

Where there are children there is happiness along with hope for the future. This is true among our own families and in the larger family of God as well. October 12th is Children's Day here in Brazil. Our church will hold a weekend camp for the children, giving them a special time to play, swim and learn more about the God who made them and sent Jesus to save them. I enjoy the children and look forward to visiting our four grandkids when we visit the States next time.