Last week over 300 delegates and visitors partipated in our national church's 23rd convention held on SCEN campus. My impressions: (1)God is faithful. This was AICEB's 60-year celebration, as pictured, complete with cake and cokes in closing session. Over 60 Brazilian and foreign workers were honored posthumously with their names read during that service. SO GOOD to see numerous former students serving the Lord faithfully, raising their families, walking in His ways. Makes us grateful for having the privilege of touching many lives during their student days. (2) Good business sessions. I was asked to help on a temporary committee for evaluating motions that came to the floor. The three of us did about 15 motions, most of which were passed by the general assembly when voted on. The association's finances were in good order, much better than two years ago when things were quite confusing. Was impressive to observe business being done fairly and thoroughly, due to God's grace and the moderating skills of Pr. Neto, one of our former students. (3) SCEN seminary has an owner. After the Mission discontinued supporting the seminary three years ago, it was rough going for awhile until the churches began to realize that SCEN really does belong to them. Result? The finances are much better and a new SCEN leadership team was chosen with a minimum of procedural problems. There are seven of us to take office at end of 2007. Meanwhile, four of the seven pictued are functioning till then along with three incumbent members. (4) Missions is/are in. The association's goal of over US$50,000 for missions was met this past year. Two Angolan men, president and vice-president of the Evangelical Christian Church of Angola, were participants in our Convention. Pictured is AICEB's president signing a working agreement with them for sending missionaries to work with this church. Delegates received an attractive missions bulletin published by the department. (5) Challenges are great. Church growth was low to moderate in recent years so there is still much to do. The youth department needs a shot in the arm. Regular contributions to the General Board's office come from less than half of the 160 organized chuches. This should improve by use of a monthly bank deposit form system, a convention decision. So, all in all, favorable impressions of this church gathering in northern Brazil! May God be praised!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Impressions from a Gathering
Last week over 300 delegates and visitors partipated in our national church's 23rd convention held on SCEN campus. My impressions: (1)God is faithful. This was AICEB's 60-year celebration, as pictured, complete with cake and cokes in closing session. Over 60 Brazilian and foreign workers were honored posthumously with their names read during that service. SO GOOD to see numerous former students serving the Lord faithfully, raising their families, walking in His ways. Makes us grateful for having the privilege of touching many lives during their student days. (2) Good business sessions. I was asked to help on a temporary committee for evaluating motions that came to the floor. The three of us did about 15 motions, most of which were passed by the general assembly when voted on. The association's finances were in good order, much better than two years ago when things were quite confusing. Was impressive to observe business being done fairly and thoroughly, due to God's grace and the moderating skills of Pr. Neto, one of our former students. (3) SCEN seminary has an owner. After the Mission discontinued supporting the seminary three years ago, it was rough going for awhile until the churches began to realize that SCEN really does belong to them. Result? The finances are much better and a new SCEN leadership team was chosen with a minimum of procedural problems. There are seven of us to take office at end of 2007. Meanwhile, four of the seven pictued are functioning till then along with three incumbent members. (4) Missions is/are in. The association's goal of over US$50,000 for missions was met this past year. Two Angolan men, president and vice-president of the Evangelical Christian Church of Angola, were participants in our Convention. Pictured is AICEB's president signing a working agreement with them for sending missionaries to work with this church. Delegates received an attractive missions bulletin published by the department. (5) Challenges are great. Church growth was low to moderate in recent years so there is still much to do. The youth department needs a shot in the arm. Regular contributions to the General Board's office come from less than half of the 160 organized chuches. This should improve by use of a monthly bank deposit form system, a convention decision. So, all in all, favorable impressions of this church gathering in northern Brazil! May God be praised!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Pondering the Unponderable
Over 200 victims in the fiery crash of the TAM airliner landing in Sao Paulo last evening. Constant news coverage, speculation as to the cause of the accident. Intense shock, sadness among families and friends. At least we can pray for the families, asking for God's mercy and comfort, patience with the authorities and for some eventual closure and normality. If statistics mean anything, perhaps only 10 to 15% of those dear folks were evangelical believers. Pr. Jonas said many years ago, we should not ask, 'Why?'(Por Que?). Instead we should ask ourselves 'For what?'(Para Que?). But even 'For what?' is not easily answered for me. And so I wonder and ponder... Perhaps this tragedy will result in better safety conditions at crowded urban airports in this great country. That would be comforting to know next time I fly... Or perhaps it will make folks think more of the uncertainty of life, causing people like me to live each moment more fully yet responsibly knowing that any moment could be one's last on earth. Or perhaps as a Christian I should use the incident to share Christ with those around me who are not yet certain of their eternal destiny. Yes, perhaps that's what I should do... In fact, isn't that what being a missionary is all about? What do you think?
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