Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cody in Time for Christmas!

Our 4th grandchild, Cody, was born Dec. 12 in R. I. He is our oldest son's 3rd son. Cody arrived a month early but is doing well. Weighed 5 lb. 5 0z.. 19 inches long, so is on his way. Our son hasn't told us the whole story yet but we are just very grateful to God that both he and his mom are doing so well. Vivian returned safely to Brazil Dec. 5 and now we are preparing for our daughter, son-in-law and only granddaughter's visit over the holidays. Still so rain but by the time they arrive next week, it could happen. My commencement speech went OK on Dec. 9, lasting 25 minutes. Ten graduated. After the holidays I must grade the dozens upon dozens of student papers turned in during the last days of the term. As a friend often says, God is good, all the time. Have a wonderful Christmas celebration. Wise men still seek Him!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Term ending, wife returning

The happy fellow in the dark blue shirt just finished successfully defending his monograph. The rest of us are his profs. Next Saturday is graduation for eleven seniors. Classes for me have already ended but I do have lots of papers to grade, most of which I will leave for doing after December 9. I was invited by the graduates to give the commencement address on the theme, "Jesus Christ, our Foundation" so preparation for that is my main concern just now.

Vivian is due to arrive in Sao Luis Tuesday AM. It will have been 33 days since she left to help care for our two grandsons in Rhode Island. She had a great time and I was able to survive, preparing most meals for myself. Our daughter-in-law rested more because Vivian was there and today her own mom arrived. Perhaps the new baby will be a Christmas present, or if he waits until January 1, he will be born on my birthday! We continue to pray that all will go well. We haven't heard the name they've chosen. That's probably the easiest part. Posted by Picasa